Teas Etc

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Hong Kong Tea Fair - Day 1

Hong Kong Update

I am sitting in the VIP lounge at the International Tea Fair sipping a cup of oolong tea. There is a range of suppliers at the show. The show is set up by region so you can head to the “Yunnan” area knowing that you will be able to cup a variety of Puerh teas.

They have held tea ceremonies of all types

I watched the Japanese ceremony which was lovely.
(My attempt to upload pictures of the cermony and puerh teas has been unsuccessful. I will upload asap in a separate post)

I am really excited about the “Korean” tea section. I have already made some good connections and hope to offer some Korean tea in the near future.

I am curious as to whether or not the US market will pay the price for Korean teas and if they will enjoy them? They are brewed much lighter than Chinese greens and have obvious differences in processing and subsequently taste.
If you have tried Korean green tea post a comment on your thoughts?

Day 1 It’s a Wrap

Being categorized as a VIP definitely has its advantages. It has helped get decent accommodations, as opposed to the first hotel I stayed in last night. I was able to attend the evening networking reception where tea was abundant.

One thing that struck me funny however is the VIP lounge where coffee is the predominant beverage? You have to search for a teabag to brew and the staff immediately assumes you want coffee…strange for a tea fair I thought.

Amy’s plane was late so we ended up meeting at the hotel around 7. We enjoyed a light snack and caught up on some of the happenings. I am feeling tired so I am heading to bed, hopeful that I will be able to sleep through the night.

Until next time, Beth

One Comment

  • Jason Witt

    Yes, that's very strange that the VIP lounge is...betrayal...traitors. Just kidding but maybe kinda serious. http://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1GGLS_enUS313US313&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=purple+pu+erh

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