Change is inevitable. Change can be positive. It is time for change with the Teas Etc blog!
I understand that to operate a blog that is useful and interesting at minimum you must post regularly. No matter how hard I have tried I am just unable, due to my very busy schedule, to post on a consistent basis.
In our most recent discussion about this issue we collectively determined that having some of the other folks at Teas Etc begin posting was a good solution. Not only will readers benefit from regular postings the most positive advantage will be the varied points of view and tea interests of the other contributors.
Beginning this week, Newman and Chris Johnston will both begin posting. Chris's travels and young perspective on tea will add great energy. Newman's historical insight, interest in the online tea community, and current trade events will add depth for readers.
Along with my periodic travel postings I will begin contributing short posts on the business of tea with topics such as organic, marketing, private label, and regulatory updates.
Hopefully this new collaboration will generate fresh ideas and renewed interest in the Teas Etc blog making it an enjoyable and insightful read.
Until next time, Beth
One Comment
Looking forward to hearing from all of you- I know you guys have lots to say, and it's great to catch up on all you're up to.Jason